
Christopher Greene: massive pandemic spread of the Corona virus

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Elites Warn of Global Pandemic! What You're Not Being Told
Friday, February 28, 2020 20:17

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Christopher Greene: massive pandemic spread of the Corona virus
Christopher Greene
Everybody Christopher Greene and Alternative media television. It is Friday the 28th and have some breaking developments updates for you regarding this massive pandemic spread of the Corona virus.
And again what appears to be a giant cover up and the first thing I want to talk about. Yes, the markets are down again close to another thousand points. Yes. This is the worst Financial collapse. We've seen since 2008.
Yes. We're probably expecting a Global Central Bank. Four over Can to provide more bailouts or stimulus more rate Cuts because again US stocks are a Ponzi scheme, they just are okay.
I have to say that they are they go down and they'll keep going down unless there are more rate Cuts even though rates are at zero and the less that pal chairman does something stocks would just keep on declining they would you know, this rate at 25,000.
We've got 25 days left before we completely at zero now again, every major Wall Street companies cutting guidance.
Growth and expected revenue is collapsing The consumer is collapsing and we might be looking honestly at deflation here. I did a report on this that my Gould Academy. I not too long ago.
I talked about the two risks inflation and deflation is a tail risk to the eventual collapse of the financial system.
Once again, and the reason is we never recovered from 2009. We've been in a absolute factual Global depression since that period of time and the only thing Central Bankers have been doing is by Buying valuable time that's it until now.
Until the collapse it's once again and who is now raised the Threat Level not just too high, but very very high according to their own words.
And then we had a press conference with Donald Trump's a couple of days ago.
You could just see it in his eyes that he said stocks look good couple days ago. But stocks of crashed another 3,000 points since he made that statement. Larry Kudlow says stocks are cheap every day. They speak the market continues to go down further and further. So let's talk about the big picture of what to expect for you to know.
■How to prepare
NG and how to prepare for these kinds of things and of course as I mentioned in our previous
Those food stock as we see people stockpiling actually rationing things like toilet paper at Hawaii really all over the country right now Costco running out of survival food survival food demand and I've been in this business for 11 years is a hundred times its normal demand level.
I want you to think about that for a minute a hundred times.
So we're completely sold out of all of our existing inventory.
Now, I do have one supplier left with a 2 to 4 week lead time. We'll get it out sooner if possible to be tuning in but that's it as I I told you days ago.
If you don't act now, you're going to be crap out of luck because by this time next week.
I want to not built to sell anything.
And nor is anyone else.
The government has odd all the food supply from the long-term storage facilities.
Trump has authorized 2.5 billion dollars in Congressional funding to buy all this stock.
So let's talk about the big picture of what's Happening Here what's happening in front of all of you in real time as a global economic reset
Fiat currencies are collapsing around the world.
The US dollar is worthless again the stock market can't stop selling off unless there's more bailouts. That's right.
You need to talk to a typical financial advisor will be know things are good Christopher. They've been great.
I've always asked them.
Well, then why don't they raise interest rates at the stock market some at all time.
I raise interest rates and stuff, but they allows but the reality is they can they can never stop the bailouts and never stop lowering cutting into negative territory interest rates, which is actually what Donald Trump wants and you need to understand.
This is the end goal to collapse the whole global economy.
This is an economic that reset and I think we're moving it like that.
Wait den of our fears are realized and we move into a deflationary event.
Stat stocks real estate really all risk assets not just to go down to collapse in this country. And we see how it feeds on itself like a virus. We saw this in 2008 and housing.
The more people are expecting prices to fall further the more they stopped spending the more they keep horning the more they keep stockpiling. I'm also noticing even from some of my liberal friends. They seem to be panicking the worst. It's kind of interesting versus my conservative prepping friends and people like myself it seems Like Liberals are actually panicking and stockpiling or right now, it's fine. That was you know preach things like, you know your care about your neighbor a world a planet.
They're the ones actually a Costco stockpiling 20 rolls of toilet paper and stuff right now number one probably because they didn't prep in advance. But number two as we see in human nature.
It's every man and woman for themselves and as I've always joked.
It's the soccer mom here in the United States probably have to be most worried about but beside the point big picture here is we have a global economic reset occurring right now and the elites are And this for a long time I talk about this.
On time a complete implosion of fiat currency and smart money is moving into actual real assets is another reason why the financial Elites have been buying properties in places like New Zealand preparing for quarantine preparing the bunker down and ultimately preparing for the coordinated pre-plant engineered Financial collapse of the entire system the other started in 2008
and that's how they extract it all this real value from many of you Americans and Global Citizens around the world took all that money and it was filled.
Stir to that and we're seeing the same thing happen now. That's why they've been offering things like It's a fertile Democratic primary candidates because it's face facts if the peasantry has no money and no income and it's been stolen by the financial Elites. They got to figure out some kind of method placate the masses so they don't try it and there's a lot of Truth to that.
So a couple things that you're probably not hearing I want to talk specifically about today is obviously there's an intention to forcefully remove Donald Trump in the White House and they're using the Corona virus in Near factual bio-weapon you need to understand that the Quran. Iris is a viable weapon. That is fact.

We set it here very long time ago here at am TV. That is not a conspiracy theory. It's not even a question.
The virus is man-made. It is a biochemical weapon notice how they said. It was a conspiracy theory just a couple weeks ago that this engineered weapon of War had HIV strains to it. Okay. Well, that's a conspiracy.
Why is Pence has been charged but in charge of all this just hired A key Official who gets what he has experience with AIDS. Okay.
So this is a biological weapon and I'm going to get to that in a moment if you haven't heard this before anywhere else, but I do want to warn you that everything is on the table now and because this is a engineered implosion.
Okay, because this is all Planet talked about this for years. It's not we hear this from a liberal or liberals. It's not that global warming is a threat its people. There's too many people. So the elites know this and don't think for a minute. They want to concoct engineer and lab a biological weapon too. Cool. Animal population identifies not enough resources, that would be the easiest solution depopulation mean it's just common sense. I've always joke, that's actually what the climate change hoax activists should be talking about now.
There is a lot of reality to this.
Also. I want you to be on your heels and understand I think over the weekend we could have some announced that we're getting hints of this now but Global Central Bank action, but this is kind of like trying to fight a global systemic collapse. So without any real weapons, so there was a Fed have here already.

Interest rates, so they've got sticks and stones to fight what really is in impenetrable collapse in my view. Also, I would just like to remind you that everything is on the table here and War could be used as an additional scapegoat to reset the system of talked about this also for years.
We look at 1929 and 30s and an economic depression.
That was only reset I will World War II so that is in the cards. And I don't even think it's just in the cards.
I think that is an absolute certainty that we can expect global war more economic conflict like we've seen and of course, this is all Blame Game to remove Donald Trump from the lighthouse and then criminalize anti-vaxxers and those of you against taking the mandatory forced quarantine vaccine. Also be very very careful going to the doctor right now.
This is my opinion. I have to say hi because I'm about to tell you guys the truth. Uh-oh, if let's say you're tested for the Coronavirus.
Say that you have it even if you don't let's just be fine. You're going to be put on a government list just like we're seeing China they're taking people and throwing them out of their homes and then putting them in quarantine camps something also to take note of so I want to talk about what are they hiding notice for example, like actions speak louder than words.
Every school in Japan is closed in the entire country hundreds of millions of people are in quarantine. Who is raised the threat alert tone? Very very high. People are panicking or stockpiling food again food storage demands a hundred times its normal level. We have top officials and Iran infected. There's four five top officials.
They're infected. So it's cross-pollinating just not send middle-class citizens, but also higher ups but notice when you go to the official CDC website all it says the symptoms are is like, oh you get a cough and you might not feel too. Well. You might feel a little rundown. Make sure to run your hand when you wash your hands with hot soapy water.
You know. As you they're hiding something. Why would you be closing schools across countries quarantining hundreds of millions of people instituting a pandemic Task Force at the White House putting pence in charge of coordination with an aid specialist to attack this disease if it was just a cough and you know a little bit of temperature see they're not giving you all the information they're hiding it from you and this is a global coordinated cover up to do just that in the reason is these are the Facts the reason is This is a biological weapon. Now. I don't know how they got this another public. I can come up with ideas and it was released from the lab out who had somebody planted it if you wrote are maybe it comes from what they're spraying and skies. Does it come from 5G you ought to see it doesn't even matter. What matters the most right now is it this is a global threat to all of you tuning in and it will threaten you and your family members in your children cuticle that you love my communities.
That you care about doesn't even matter where the host or Office. It doesn't matter that it's a bioweapon. It doesn't matter that.
The government is covering it up. All we know is what the actions are.
Now we have a stock market that is forward-looking that is pricing at Armageddon. When you have negative thousand Point drops every single day and you have a 10-year treasury yield collapsing to blow 1.12 percent and the two-year rate rate tumbling below 1% that tells you all you need to know. I mean take a look we're down here. Unless another thousand points today. I don't know if you guys can see that. It's pricing absolutely a global pandemic threat. That's exactly what it is. And this is the least of the markets concerns again the Corona virus. It's the least of the problems of the financial markets. They've Built America on a scam over the last several decades and Baby Boomers got really really familiar with this because getting rates were always cut it kept blowing these massive bubbles. Well, what are they going to do now rates are at zero. Is at an all-time high and see they've got it. Sure in a total Financial Armageddon and absolute preset a fiat currency and they're going to collapse everything as I've said for years change the rules and go to a new system. Okay, they're just eventually going to say hey, we've got new currency. It's a it's a basket of new digital dollars or some kind of Federal Reserve basket a special drawing rights have talked about this for years. There's no other direction to go and they're going to reset that through Market. Apps they're going to blame that is the culprit. The reset it through global war a World War 3 that is not an over reaction. That is I'm not saying that to fear Monger again. I don't want you guys to be fearful, but that's absolutely what's going to happen. And that is what history has taught us. So let's just go over more facts of what's happening right now. We have many more people infected New York has dozens of people in quarantine. We don't really know how many people have been exposed at this exponential rate. We know that the FDA is Already reported its first drug. We know according to the CDC Representatives. It would take a minimum of two years to bring a vaccination to the public. So look the elites already have the vaccine already have it. And again they're going to use that to their advantage not just a prophet but to criminalize the my opinion of view anyone that's anti-vaccination is think about this think about how liberals spend this. Oh my gosh, you're against being mandatorily vaccinated with whatever it is. We're going to inject in your arm. How could you do that? You're putting millions and billions of people at risk. You're a Rest, so don't be very very careful here because this is when they'll strip you of your human rights not just overseas but here in America and it will throw you in a prison King.

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