
Note / Kolbrin Bible

By Alton Parrish (Reporter)
Dire Prophecies Of Kolbrin Bible
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:24
Expert in ancient manuscripts, Glenn Kimball, discussed the origin as well as the stories and dire prophecies of The Kolbrin, an anthology of ancient wisdom books found in the Glastonbury Abbey during the 12th century.
The documents were written during the intertestamental period, Kimball explained, and its final form was intact by the beginning of the second century A.D. He said The Kolbrin was used as a textbook in religious schools throughout Great Britain and taught all the way up to the time of the Crusades. The Knights Templar eventually took possession of these documents (to protect them from the likes of King Edward I of England) and redacted The Kolbrin to reflect their point of view, Kimball noted.
Kimball shared several stories from The Kolbrin, including its account of Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Exodus. He also talked about a potential threat to Earth from ‘The Destroyer,’ a large spherical planetoid in orbit around the Sun. Kimball said The Kolbrin provides a firsthand, journalistic description of the devastation caused the last time this celestial body approached our planet.
Glenn Kimball has a B.A. in Journalism and an M.A. in Communications. In addition he has successfully completed all course work for a Ph.D. in Communications and passed his doctoral exams, lacking his dissertation. He was the former president of International Exchange School and vice president of two cellular phone companies. Glenn has taught school at Southern Illinois University and was ranked by student evaluations in the top ten instructors at the university. He has been collecting ancient texts since the age of fifteen and is famous for being able to integrate very diverse texts into a contiguous story line.
Due to the censorship of time and doubt, most of the documents and oral stories chronicling the early life of Jesus were destroyed, lost, or forgotten. After 25 years of research, during which Kimball visited museums, Indian tribes, medicine men, and universities, he assembled some of the missing links and unsolved mysteries of Christianity.
From Zetatalkblog
Kolbrin is called a parallel Bible.
As with the Book of Enoch (dead sea scrolls), omitted from the Bible.
Kolbrin was protected by the Culdians, saved before the burning of Glastonbury Monastery in Scotland, thense to New Zealand.
Both the Book of Enoch and the Kolbrin includes more specifics on past and future pole shifts.
Were these books omitted from the Bible because the Church wanted mankind unaware?
Certainly the Third Secret of the Fatima was not revealed, the Church still holding this close.
Kolbrin speaks of the passing planet causing the pole shift as The Destroyer, where the ancient Summerians called it Nibiru, and today we call it Planet X.
Red Star Oahspe, Marduk by the Babylonians, Sichin called it the 12th Planet.
Kolbin matches closely with what the Zetas have stated within ZetaTalk in describing the PS.
I was particularly interested in the timing, trying to establish a timeline.
What seems to have emerged is that the major Earth changes, the 3 days of darkness for the northern hemisphere with sunrise West for a few days, comes just ahead of rotation stoppage and the pole shift.
All within weeks.
Compare the sequence of events described in the Kolbrin to what is occurring today.
Here’s what is said in the Kolbrin, page 128, about the Flood.
First, that red dust would be seen in the skies, the Moon’s orbit not right.
And Noah is given a warning.
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God And Magog God’s Prophetic End-Time

By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
God And Magog God’s Prophetic End-Time Clock
Monday, November 26, 2012 15:29
I’ve heard the question hundreds of times.
“Could this be Gog/Magog?” asks a sincere student of Bible prophecy. He or she is referring, of course, to the very famous passage in Ezekiel 38-39, in which a regional war confederation invades Israel, only to be supernaturally destroyed by the Almighty.
My answer is usually, “I don’t know.”
The question has surged in recent weeks, since Israel was attacked by Hamas rockets from Gaza. Almost 900 fell in Israel, and several people were killed.
Now comes word that Hezbollah has pledged to use its arsenal against Israel in a future confrontation with Hamas; the Gazan terror group has improved its long-range capability and for the first time in history, hit Jerusalem with rocket fire.
The issue of Hezbollah’s rocket arsenal is quite problematic for Israel. When the Jewish state built a security fence (“apartheid wall” to Religious Left Jew-haters), the scourge of homicide bombers was halted.
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Edgar Cayce Prophecies

By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
Top 10 Edgar Cayce Prophecies
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 14:35

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Top 10 Edgar Cayce Predictions
1. The greater portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
2. There will be a shifting of the poles.
3. There will come a time when the sun will be darkened.
4. The city of Atlantis will be found near Bimini.
5. The records of Atlantis will be open to those that are the spiritual initiates
6. A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon.
7. A “City of Gold” will be discovered in the Gobi Desert.
8. New York State’s east coast and New York City itself will disappear.
9. America’s west coast will be destroyed.
10. Cayce envisioned that a time would come when all individuals would realize their responsibility toward one another;

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